Potential Unrest on College Campuses Has Little Effect on Fall Recruiting, Hiring Decisions

BETHLEHEM, PA—The political and social unrest seen on college campuses last spring—and that may potentially reignite this fall—has little impact on college recruiting, according to results of research recently conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).

Fifty-five percent of employers responding to the NACE Quick Poll on Campus Protests and University Recruiting for Fall 2024 said they are slightly or not at all concerned about the impacts of potential political or social unrest on college campuses, while just 14% are extremely or very concerned.

“Our research found that the potential for student protests and unrest will not alter college recruiting as the demonstrations mostly involve only certain organizations, industries, or institutions,” says Shawn VanDerziel, NACE’s president and chief executive officer.  

As a result of their unconcern, nearly 80% of employers indicated they have no intention of adjusting their fall recruiting plans, while another 12% have not yet decided if they will make changes.

“The bottom line for employers is that student activism overwhelmingly does not factor into hiring decisions as just 6% indicated that it does come into play,” VanDerziel explains.

Meanwhile, the majority of college respondents (60%) reported not having protests on their campus in spring 2024. Still, 32% of career services respondents have developed plans in case of campus unrest this fall, including providing increased security for recruiters during campus visits and moving to virtual if unrest occurs.

About the NACE Quick Poll on Campus Protests and University Recruiting for Fall 2024: NACE conducted this quick poll from July 29 through August 13, 2024, to assess ways that campus recruiting may be impacted after the increase in campus protests and lockdowns last spring. Respondents included 142 employers and 336 colleges. Full results of the quick poll are available on NACEWeb.

About the National Association of Colleges and Employers: Established in 1956, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) is the only professional association in the United States that connects more than 13,000 college career services professionals, more than 3,800 early career talent acquisition professionals, and more than 400 business solution providers that serve this community.