The average hourly wage for 2020-21 bachelor’s level interns and co-ops was identical at $20.82, according to results of NACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report.
Regardless of how employers ran their programs in summer 2021, the hybrid model is their favored modality for their 2021-22 internships, according to NACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report.
Employers expect to boost their intern hiring by 22.6% for the 2021-22 academic year, while their hiring of co-ops is up 1.1% this year, according to results of NACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report.
Free downloads from the NACE Center: These studies examine how internships impact the development and initial career outcomes of college graduates.
Students who took paid internships or co-ops were more likely to receive an offer of full-time employment and a higher salary offer from their employers than were students who took unpaid internships or co-ops, according to results of NACE’s Class of 2015 Student Survey.
A nationwide survey of more than 500 college seniors and recent graduates found that those who engaged in cold networking were twice as likely to get an internship.
Employers anticipate hiring fewer interns and co-ops this year than they did last year, according to NACE’s 2021 Internship & Co-op Survey Report.