NACE’s Advocating and Policy Philosophy

NACE advocates on behalf of its membership and the profession on issues directly related to the career development and employment of the college-educated workforce.

See How NACE Determines Where to Focus Its Advocacy Efforts & Why Advocacy Matters

Advocacy Assessment   Why NACE Advocates

NACE maintains its foundational commitment to empowering and connecting those who support, develop, and employ the college-educated workforce—a workforce for which NACE desires positive outcomes, equal opportunity, just treatment, and equitable experience for every college-educated individual entering the workforce.

Recognizing NACE’s national scope and mission, NACE’s Board of Directors and Advocacy Committee have determined that NACE will focus its advocacy efforts and public comments on national issues that most closely align with our mission, vision, and guiding documents (see below) and where NACE’s expertise is directly related.

In accordance with this focus, the Advocacy Committee has identified policy priorities for the association that meet those parameters. These are reviewed regularly, and, as new issues arise, the committee considers them for inclusion as appropriate.

NACE’s advocacy and public comments are grounded in a data-informed and evidence-based agenda using the following guiding resources:

Although our focus on national issues does not allow NACE to publicly address the full breadth of our members’ experiences, concerns, and opinions, we recognize their importance. NACE may not speak out publicly on every issue, event, or circumstance, but we adhere to the values and tenets that are described in the guiding resources referenced above. Overall, NACE is committed to ensuring successful pathways to education and the workforce. Central to this NACE supports:

  • Policies and practices that promote access to education and careers and the elimination of barriers to opportunities.
  • Funding higher education and ensuring that financial aid for students is available, affordable, accessible, and equitable.
  • Worker rights, conditions, wages, and benefits that provide safe, fair, and healthy outcomes.

NACE invites you to learn more about us and join the advocacy dialogue and advocacy process. Please learn more about our advocacy structure, process, and some past advocacy activity.