Supporting the Unique Career Development Needs of Graduate Students

  • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level career services and university relations and recruiting professionals
  • Competency: Mentoring
  • Fee: $69 (member); $89 (nonmember);
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  • Summary

    Goal: To empower career development professionals with information, strategies, and resources to provide customized, relevant support for graduate student populations. 

    This presentation brings light to the unique career development needs of graduate students and strategies to support them in an ever-evolving career landscape. Graduate students often manage multiple life complexities and responsibilities, which may lead to role strain, time constraints, and financial concerns. Graduate students represent a broad range of life stages, generations, degrees, and industries. When it comes to the application of their degree, they sometimes face challenges justifying its ROI, translating their degree outside of academia, and navigating internal academic pressures when pursuing non-academic routes, ultimately impacting their sense of identity. Furthermore, because of the structure of graduate programs, students may be vulnerable to feelings of isolation and face challenges with motivation and self-efficacy. This presentation will build upon an understanding of the current economic market and explore various approaches to assure services are inclusive for graduate students.  

    Following this program, you will be able to:

    • To increase understanding of unique career development needs of graduate student populations, as it relates to identity and well-being;
    • To learn customized strategies for delivering relevant, holistic, and timely graduate student career services; and
    • To learn diverse approaches for partnership-building, data-driven storytelling, and targeted outreach and marketing.


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