Closing the Pay Gap: A Panel Discussion on Pay Equity

  • Career Level: Intermediate- and advanced-level career services, university relations and recruiting, and business affiliate professionals
  • Competency: Working with diverse populations
  • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember);
    Add to Cart Order by Phone: 610.625.1026

  • Summary

    In today's workplace, achieving fair and equal compensation for all employees remains a critical challenge. This panel discussion will delve into the complexities of pay equity, exploring the gender pay gap, racial and ethnic pay disparities, and other factors that contribute to inequities in compensation. Panelists will share their expertise on developing cultures of pay equity among their employees and identifying strategies for navigating salary negotiations and advancement opportunities for higher education professionals and corporate employees. 

    Following this program, you will be able to:

    • Understand the different aspects of pay equity and how it goes beyond gender;
    • Identify the root causes of pay gaps and their impact on businesses and employees;
    • Explore practical solutions for organizations to promote pay transparency and implement fair compensation practices; and
    • Utilize tools and strategies to negotiate competitive compensation plans and advancement.


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