By using a gamified approach to career development, college career services can create scenarios that simulate the workplace and encourage active student participation.
For many, success is shaped by external factors, but career services staff can help guide individuals to reflect on what success means to them through their own lens.
New college graduates embrace the value of higher education, with 91% reporting that, if they had a chance to do it again, they would opt to pursue a college education.
Mary Scott compared data from 2016 to that from 2022 to gauge students’ assessment that an employer “made it seem as though they were interested in me.” What she found was astonishing.
As we head into the warm days of the summer, the Class of 2023 is getting ready to make their mark on their first career destinations. They are starting careers in a world that is trying to emerge from a global pandemic but one that continues to grapple with social justice and equity.
While many put pressure on themselves when searching for that first job or internship, it can be beneficial to take any shortfall as an opportunity for personal exploration and growth.
What do you call a “gap year” if you want to demonstrate a special transition period in education?
What advice would you offer to a student who wants to include religious information on his or her resume?
Ned Khatrichettri and Cameron Vakilian explore the nuances of professionalism in a post-pandemic, increasingly digital world.
Dr. Julia Overton-Healy of St. John Fisher College suggests career services offices need to recalibrate their understanding of who their students are and make changes to accommodate them.