The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) is a public Research 1 university with 52,000 students and 18 colleges and schools, including medical and law schools. Like many large universities, UT Austin has a highly distributed model of 15 career centers within schools, and each area operates independently.
During the pandemic in 2020, LaGuardia Community College—a public community college that is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system—inaugurated a new president, who is an advocate for workforce development as well as for internships. In addition, the chancellor for CUNY established career services as one of his priorities.
A grant from the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) helped to move career services to a position of more prominence at Tougaloo College and embed career readiness in the school’s curriculum.
Career services at Michigan State University (MSU) is a centralized/hybrid organization of offices and is well-known for its Career Services Network, which is composed of career services professionals strategically located in central and college-based offices.
Career services needs to be strategically positioned on campus to provide the vision, guidance, and relationships to demonstrate its importance and value and to maximize student outcomes.
Soon after Mark Peltz was hired as the associate dean and director of career development at Grinnell College, it began a process of institutional elevation and prioritization of career services.
The authors look at the similarities and differences in how college students and employers describe leadership and its various proficiency levels.
Peck and Preston advance the Cocurricular Career Connections (C3) Leadership Model, designed to connect higher education and business and industry.
Most organizations should look to address is their cultural landscape and homogenous culture. Senior leaders and recruiters can consider these 10 concrete ideas and practices that could positively impact creating an inclusive workplace and environment.
Cultural intelligence may be the most important individual area of change for organizations that want to bolster their recruitment and retention of culturally diverse individuals.
It is important for employers to consider the language they use because language can be loaded and have different meanings for different people.
Volunteering with NACE can create meaningful professional and personal connections, develop and build skills on a resume, and create opportunities for growth.
Volunteering can help students gain valuable experience and learn about what workplace environments best suit their needs, which will be helpful when applying for jobs after graduation.