First-Destination Survey Standards and Protocols

Timeline for Class of 2024 First-Destination Survey
Data Collection
 Through December 31, 2024
Report Data to NACE
 January 2025 – April 2025
Final results released
 Fall 2025
Timeline for Class of 2024 First-Destination Survey
Data Collection
 Through December 31, 2024
Report Data to NACE
 January 2025 – April 2025
Final results released
 Fall 2025
Timeline for Class of 2024 First-Destination Survey
Data Collection
 Through December 31, 2024
Report Data to NACE
 January 2025 – April 2025
Final results released
 Fall 2025
Timeline for Class of 2024 First-Destination Survey
Data CollectionThrough December 31, 2024
Report Data to NACEJanuary 2025 – April 2025
Final results releasedFall 2025

Download Class of 2024 Survey Template

Download Cip Codes

Examples and Tutorials

Not sure how to complete the survey? See below for finished examples and helpful videos.

Standards and Protocols

Best Practices


Summary Calculations

After the detailed data were transmitted to NACE a number of summary calculations were developed from the data.

Knowledge Rate: This is the percentage of the graduating class for whom an outcomes destination is known. It includes the sum of all the employment categories, plus service and military, plus continuing education, plus the number of students still seeking an outcome or not seeking an outcome. It excludes those students for whom no information is available. Mathematically, the knowledge rate can be expressed as:

 (# employed + # service + # military + # continuing education + # still seeking employment & continuing education + # not seeking) / total graduates

Career Outcomes Rate: This is the number of graduates who have landed in any of the employment categories, plus service and military, plus continuing education divided by the number of students for whom an outcome is known. It excludes those graduates identified as not seeking an outcome. Expressed mathematically the career outcomes rate is:

 (# employed + # service + # military + # continuing education) / (# employed + # service + # military + # continuing education + # still seeking employment & continuing education)


Contact Angelena Galbraith, NACE Researcher.