1. Professional Standards for Early Talent Recruiting & University Relations
    Professional Standards for Early Talent Recruiting & University Relations

    Developed by a task force of early talent recruiting and university relations professionals for early talent recruiting and university relations professionals, the Professional Standards offer a roadmap to excellence for programs of all shapes and sizes.

  2. An illustration of a crumbled piece of paper transforming into an origami bird.
    Designing the Future of Career Services

    In an ever-evolving landscape, career services needs to adapt and innovate. Here, Hassan Akmal discusses how career services can reimagine itself to meet the needs of students and alumni.

  3. An intern working at his internship.
    Alumni Gift Will Grow W&M Funding for Unpaid, Underpaid Internships

    A new $1 million gift supporting career development at William & Mary will triple the number of students annually who can receive university funding for unpaid and underpaid internships.

  4. Positioning Career Services as an Institutional Strategic Priority
    Positioning Career Services as an Institutional Strategic Priority

    Career services needs to be strategically positioned on campus to provide the vision, guidance, and relationships to demonstrate its importance and value and to maximize student outcomes.

  5. A campus champion smiles.
    Setting Up a Campus Champion Model

    An employer looking to set up a “campus champion” program as an element in its campus recruiting efforts turned to colleagues in the NACE Community for ideas on staffing, the responsibilities and expectations of the program, and the guidelines for campus engagement.

  6. NACE’s environmental scan
    NACE Environmental Scan

    NACE’s environmental scan for 2024 incorporates insights and data to inform strategic thinking and planning.

  7. Paper planes
    Repositioning Career Services: Drivers, Implementation, and Outcomes

    Qualitative research conducted with 12 markedly different colleges and universities identifies the factors that led to the elevation of the career services operation.

  8. Abstract image of connections
    College Career Services on the Move: Why—and What Does It Mean?

    Research shows a greater number of career services units are moving away from their traditional homes in student affairs divisions; this article explores the root causes behind the trend and uses the University of California, Irvine to illustrate what this shift might mean for universities exploring career services realignments on their campuses.

  9. Person talking to another person on a laptop
    What Will You Keep From These Creative Times?

    After the pandemic forced major changes to recruitment and talent acquisition, the question of what changes were temporary and which are here to stay remains.

  10. Picture of a laptop
    Good Intentions, Ethics Washing, and PR in the Hiring Tech Market

    Technology has a place in that future, but whether the tools we use truly promote good or reinforce a damaging status quo depends on the choices we make now.

  11. Abstract image girl using telescope
    Future Forward: Key Issues and Recommendations for Success in 2022

    In this look forward, Shawn VanDerziel, executive director of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, addresses disruptions to our professional lives and the opportunities these present for redefining how college career services and employment professionals operate.

  12. Abstract image
    Op-Ed: Keeping Career Development Transformational

    Career work is transformational, not transactional. If an institution clings to the severely outdated myth that universities should " place" students through their career centers, student learning, as well as critical connections with stakeholders, can be lost.