1. Interns working on a group project.
    Average Hourly Wage for Interns Exceeds $23

    The average hourly wage for bachelor’s degree level interns has increased each year over the past 10 years and now stands at $23.04, according to NACE’s 2025 Guide to Compensation for Interns & Co-ops.

  2. A set of blocks forming a bar chart with a yellow paper airplane.
    Class of 2025 Engineering, Business Grads Expected to See Salaries Climb at the Master’s Level

    Class of 2025 engineering and business graduates at the master’s degree level are expected to see salaries climb 12.5% and 3.1%, respectively, according to results of NACE’s Winter 2025 Salary Survey.

  3. A wooden house sitting inside a life ring.
    Relocation Assistance Yields Better Candidates for Internships

    Relocation assistance may be the secret sauce to attracting top-notch interns.

  4. A scale of blocks with dollar signs on them.
    Class of 2025 Salary Projections Mixed

    Overall, starting salary projections for the Class of 2025 are something of a mixed bag as projected movement in salaries ranges from a gain of 2.8% for agriculture and natural resources to a decrease of 3.6% for the social sciences.

  5. An illustration of a map and location icons.
    Students Considering Job Offers Look at Cost of Living as Top Factor to Relocate

    Graduating students weighing job offers heavily consider the cost of living in each job’s location when making their decision, according to NACE’s 2024 Student Survey report.

  6. A student intern works with full time employees.
    Students Recognize the Importance of Gaining Internship Experience

    The percent of graduating seniors who participated in an internship is the highest that NACE has recorded in the past six years, according to results of NACE’s 2024 Student Survey.

  7. A group of college graduates in their caps and gowns.
    Class of 2023 Starting Salaries Show Considerable Growth

    Salaries for college graduates overall continue to climb as, for the second straight year, the increase in average salary for a graduating class has surpassed 7%.

  8. A data chart showing a line graph rising upward.
    Salaries Climb for All Levels of Recruiting Professionals

    Lifted by average increases that ranged between 3.5% and 4.4%, salaries for all recruiting professionals increased in 2023, while the majority of respondents at all levels received bonuses.

  9. Illustration of a loose crowd of people coming together to form a forward arrow.
    Strategies for Advancing Pay Equity

    Recent data reveal that systemic barriers continue to limit progress on achieving pay equity for all—yet there are tangible, proven ways that career centers and employers can make an impact.

  10. A group of professional women.
    Gender Pay Gap: Tips for Employers to Ensure Their Salaries Are Equitable

    Consultant Katie Donovan offers tips for employers to eliminate the main causes of pay inequity for women, including that women are underpaid doing the same jobs as men and are underrepresented in leadership roles.

  11. A group of interns.
    Hourly Wages for Interns Have Kept Pace With Inflation

    Hourly wages for interns have kept pace with inflation, signaling the value of these programs to employers.

  12. An illustration of a stack of books, a graduation hat, and a coin.
    For-Credit Internships Can—and Should—Be Paid

    Some have the mistaken idea that credit means internship experiences can’t or shouldn’t be paid. Affecting all students but especially those struggling with finances, unpaid, for-credit internships require the student to pay for the credit and forgo a paycheck. Employers can and should pay their interns, regardless of whether the student gets academic credit for participating.

  13. An illustration of a man easily climbing stairs vs. a woman who is climbing giant ledges.
    Propelling Pay Equity Forward: Strategies for a Fairer Future

    Recent studies reveal that systemic barriers continue to limit progress on achieving pay equity for all, but there are tangible, proven ways that career centers and employers can make an impact.

  14. Someone analyzes research data from NACE's Winter Salary Survey.
    Projections Point to Salary Increases for Class of 2024 Bachelor’s Grads

    There is good news for the Class of 2024: Salary projections for all reported groups of majors are higher than the projections reported for the Class of 2023

  15. A young student pursues an online degree.
    Employers See Online Degrees as Comparable to In-person Degrees

    NACE’s Job Outlook 2024 survey found that among employers that capture their new hires’ degree modality, 87.4% hired new college graduates with an online degree.

  16. A group of young professionals.
    Salaries Expected to Be Stable for Class of 2024 Bachelor’s, Master’s Graduates

    Slightly more than 43% of employers plan to increase starting salaries to Class of 2024 bachelor’s degree graduates, and nearly all remaining employers anticipate keeping salaries at last year’s levels.

  17. A stack of coins with a graduation cap sitting atop a coin-filled jar at the end.
    Salary Differentials Show Value of Earning a Master’s Degree for Class of 2022 Graduates

    What is the value of earning an advanced degree? In terms of salary, some Class of 2022 majors benefited significantly by earning a master’s degree.

  18. A line graph superimposed upon a growing stack of coins.
    Final Salaries Jumped for Class of 2022 Bachelor’s, Master’s Graduates

    The overall average starting salary for Class of 2022 graduates who earned bachelor’s degree is up 7.4%, climbing to $60,028 from $55,911 for the Class of 2021.

  19. A woman examines an uneven stack of coins indicative of the widening gender pay gap.
    What Can Be Done to Shrink the Widening Gender Pay Gap?

    Early data from a forthcoming NACE study indicate that the gender pay gap has widened over the past year, with female graduates now earning just 72 cents to every dollar earned by male graduates, down from around 81 cents.

  20. Silhouettes of a man and a woman on unequal ground.

    Signed into law in 1963, the Equal Pay Act prohibits pay discrimination based on sex. However, 60 years since the passage of the law, women continue to experience a pay gap, relative to men.

  21. A bar chart superimposed on a photo of a stack of coins.
    Differential in Starting Salaries Between Bachelor’s and Master’s Grads Is Diminishing

    What is the advantage of obtaining a master’s degree? In terms of average starting salary, that advantage has been declining in recent years.

  22. An image of a line chart moving upwards.

    All reported categories of majors at the master’s degree level show projected increases for the Class of 2023.

  23. A computer engineer at work.
    Salary for Class of 2023 Computer Sciences Grads Expected to Fall, but Demand Remains Strong

    The average salary projection for computer sciences graduates at the bachelor’s degree level is expected to be lower than last year, but these grads remain in high demand.

  24. A stack of people figurines standing on piles of coins.
    Hampered by the Pandemic, Salaries Up Only Slightly for Class of 2021

    The overall average salary for Class of 2021 graduates is $55,911, which is only 1.2% higher than that for the Class of 2020 ($55,260). The fact that the increase in starting salary is small may simply be a case of timing as the Class of 2021 was still experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the job market.

  25. Someone weighs a stack of coins.
    Average Hourly Wages for 2020-21 Interns, Co-ops Identical at $20.82

    The average hourly wage for 2020-21 bachelor’s level interns and co-ops was identical at $20.82, according to results of NACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report.

  26. silhouette of chess piece being placed on chess board
    Is Salary Negotiation Inherently Inequitable?

    When a candidate is put in a situation to name a salary or negotiate a salary provided by the employer, the candidate is not being paid based on their merit and skills but rather on how well they handle a negotiation discussion.

  27. A computer science grad at work.
    Computer Sciences, Engineering Top-Paid Categories for Class of 2021 Master’s Grads

    The top-paid categories for Class of 2021 master’s degree graduates were computer sciences and engineering, according to results of NACE’s Summer 2022 Salary Survey, which is the final salary report for the Class of 2021. (See Figure 1.)

  28. woman sitting across the table conversing
    Key Factors to Consider When Setting Intern Salaries

    "When setting intern salaries, factors such as students’ major, functional area, degree, and year of study are important considerations.

  29. graduate
    The Difference a Master’s Degree Can Have on Starting Salary

    In terms of a college graduate’s starting salary, earning a master’s degree can make a substantial difference.

  30. abstract image
    Equal Opportunity, Unequal Outcomes: Exploring Gender Inequality in Post-College Career Outcomes

    In comparing both the first destinations and the lifelong professional outcomes for women and men, there are some notable disparities, including in pay. What part can higher ed play in eliminating the gender pay gap?

  31. graduates
    Gender Representation and Salary Offers by Major

    A study of the average starting salary offers illustrates the imbalance in earning potential between men and women on the basis of academic major.

  32. An MIS student smiles.
    MIS Projected To Be Top-Paid Business Major

    Management information systems majors are projected to have the highest starting salary among Class of 2020 business graduates earning bachelor’s degrees.

  33. A group of STEM students work together on a project.
    Starting Salary Projections for Top-Earning Degrees Level

    While engineering, computer science, and math and sciences degrees continue to be the highest earning bachelor’s degrees, the individual average projections for these degrees appear to have leveled.

  34. A group of career services professionals.
    Career Services Staff Salaries Begin to Separate at Management Level

    There is very little differentiation in the average salaries for each of the career services positions until one gets to the management level.

  35. A computer science student works on a project.
    Computer Science Grads Projected To Be Top-Paid Major

    Class of 2022 bachelor’s degree graduates earning degrees in the computer sciences are expected to command top dollar, according to the Winter 2022 Salary Survey, published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

  36. The US Capitol
    New Guidelines for Internships: The New Unpaid Intern Test

    The DOL has released new guidelines around unpaid internships, replacing the six-part test with the primary beneficiary test.

  37. graduation
    Average Salary for Class of 2019 Up Almost 6 Percent Over Class of 2018’s

    The final overall average starting salary for the Class of 2019 is $53,889, which is up 5.8 percent over the final average starting salary of $50,944 for the Class of 2018.

  38. graduation
    Computer Sciences, Business the Top-Paid Class of 2019 Majors at Advanced-Degree Levels

    Computer sciences majors have the highest starting salary at the master’s-degree level for the Class of 2019, while business grads are the top-paid at the doctoral level.

  39. glasses, notepad, and calculator
  40. airplane
    Transportation and Materials Moving Top-Paid Class of 2019 Associate Graduates

    Transportation and materials moving majors earned the highest average starting salary by far among Class of 2019 associate degree graduates.

  41. Students at graduation
    Starting Salary Projections Positive for the Class of 2021

    The average starting salary projections for all reported categories of majors for Class of 2021 bachelor’s degree graduates show increases, albeit some of them are on the smaller side.

  42. Picture of computer code
    Demand for Computer Sciences Graduates High in the Current Job Market

    Data from NACE’s Winter 2021 Salary Survey show the value of computer sciences majors in the current job market.

  43. Students in cap and gown
    Starting Salary Projections Climb for Most Master’s Majors

    Starting salaries are expected to increase among many master’s degree majors this year.

  44. Person with graduation cap
    First Destinations: 2019 Bachelor’s Degree Graduates Post Gains

    Nearly 60% of Class of 2019 bachelor’s grads were employed in full-time positions with a traditional employer and nearly 19% were going on for an advanced degree by the end of 2019.

  45. Three people in conversation
    Oregon Has Strict Policy for Employers Looking to Post Unpaid Internships

    Having a formal policy helps the team in the University of Oregon’s career center team with consistency when considering postings from employers seeking unpaid interns.

  46. Line graph showing upward trend
    Hourly Wage Rate for Interns Continues Its Ascent

    The average hourly wage for bachelor’s-level interns has increased steadily since 2014. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, that is the case again this year.

  47. Three people in a conversation
    Funding Program for Unpaid Internships in Arts and Humanities Has Unique Twist

    The New College of Florida’s SMAH Internship Program has a twist in its approach that distinguishes it from other programs that fund students’ unpaid internships.

  48. Bar graph with word salaries
    Salaries for College Graduates Climb Despite Pandemic

    The final overall average starting salary for the college Class of 2020 landed at $55,260—2.5% above the final average starting salary for the Class of 2019.

  49. Person looking at survey results
    The Value of Earning a Master’s Degree Substantial for Several Majors

    What value can a master’s degree have over a bachelor’s degree? For certain majors, the differential in starting salaries is substantial.

  50. Bunch of flyers on board
    Internship Roundup: Intern Conversion, Duration, Housing, and Fall/Spring Programs

    Talent acquisition professionals provide insight and ideas on topics around internships, such as converting interns to FTEs, internship duration, and more.

  51. Two people reviewing graphs on a tablet
    Current Benchmarks

    Taken from current NACE research, this is an at-a-glance list of average starting salaries for new college graduates (bachelor’s degree level) and director-level career services and recruiting professionals, plus some benefits and expectations information.

  52. Person looking at phone and laptop
    Average Salary for Master’s Level Computer Science Grads Nears $100,000

    starting salary; compensation; master’s degree; doctoral degree; advanced degree; first destination; Class of 2020; Salary Survey

  53. three people looking at a laptop screen
    Salary Is Job Offer Tie Breaker for Class of 2021

    Does salary matter to graduates from the college Class of 2021? No … and yes, according to students responding to NACE’s 2021 Student Survey.

  54. Men and women standing on bar chart
    NACE Research: Pay Inequity Based on Gender Begins at the Start of Career

    Results from NACE’s First Destinations Survey for the Class of 2020 reveal that the gap in pay between men and women begins right out of college—at the start of the career.

  55. Abstract image
    Salary Projections for Class of 2022 Bachelor’s Grads a Mixed Bag

    Average starting salary projections for the Class of 2022 range from an increase of 5.4% to a decrease of 14.8%.

  56. Two women and two men standing
    Gender Pay Gap Extends Much Farther Than Current Paycheck

    There are many factors that contribute to the gender pay gap and severe consequences of long-term inequity in pay.

  57. People standing together
    Salary Transparency Is Just the Beginning

    Increasing salary transparency in general and including information on potential payroll deductions can go a long way towards a more equitable work environment.