There are a number of laws and regulations governing internships, including whether an intern is classified as an employee. Others cover compensation-related issues—including whether an intern can be paid if they receive credit—workplace safety, employment agreements, and more. Read more.
Career services professionals should know the key points of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and how they can ensure their institutions are in compliance with FERPA’s requirements. Read more.
Employers may use multiple avenues to screen potential candidates. These include 1) creating the job description, 2) creating the written application, 3) conducting the interview, 4) determining which background screening methods to use, and most recently, 5) navigating the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Each contains potential legal liability for the employer if not conducted correctly. Read more.
Using AI in the preemployment process can increase objectivity but can also increase the risk of discriminating against candidates. Read more.
Immigration attorneys review H-1B visas, changes that have impacted the H-1B program, and proposed legislation that may further impact H-1Bs. Read more.