1. A career services professional from an HBCU at a networking event.
    Industry-HBCU Partnerships Built on Foundation of Understanding, Behavioral Change

    The most prominent elements of a successful partnership between an HBCU and an employer are gaining understanding of challenges, demands, and goals and changing behaviors.

  2. Learn, Goals, Skills, Mentor, Experience, Development
    INROADS’ Program Extends Reach of Diversity Recruiting Programs

    INROADS has co-developed a program to help organizations recruit students at a greater number of HBCUs across the United States for paid internships.

  3. people gathered around a table
    16 Actions for Shifting Culture to Support Black Employees

    There are specific actions that institutions and organizations can take to ensure that they create a culture that supports the personal and professional growth of Black individuals.

  4. One yellow chair stands out among a group of blue chairs.
    The Effect Discrimination, Microaggressions Can Have on People of Color

    Not only can workplace discrimination and microaggressions have a negative impact on people of color in their careers, it can affect their mental health.

  5. paper airplanes
    Emerging Trends Could Threaten Equitable Outcomes for Marginalized Students

    Matthew Cowley warns that any trend that emerges that is considered to be a best practice could potentially threaten equitable outcomes for marginalized students.

  6. students in a classroom
    Program Supports Students Transitioning to College

    MI GEAR UP is a statewide program designed to provide support to students from high schools in low-income areas who are making the transition to college and throughout their first year there

  7. Threads connected by thumb tags
    Helping Native Students Actualize Solutions to the Challenges They Face

    By better understanding and accounting for the obstacles Native students face, career services and university relations and recruiting professionals can help them achieve their career goals.

  8. People sitting around conference table
    Building Trust Helps Employers Build Connections to Tribal Colleges and Universities

    Building trust with TCUs and Native students and bridging gaps in areas of need will aid employers in their recruitment efforts.