Give your faculty a career competency lens so their students can shout out their career readiness in their next interview!
Elevate your faculty’s confidence in offering impactful career advice to all of their students!
Take the leap and infuse career thinking into the curriculum to support career success and greater economic mobility for your students!
The Why: Do you want to support student career development throughout the academic experience? If so, it is critical to integrate career competencies and alignment within the curriculum. While NACE research shows that students who visit the career center are more likely to get paid internships, job offers, and higher salaries, many students do not have the time in their busy schedules to visit the career center, and many students do not seek career advice until much too late in their college journey. For these reasons and more, it is critical to integrate career competency focus and preparation into the classroom. This is particularly important for students who face systemic barriers to their academic and career success.
The NACE Faculty Fellows training program is your key to getting started with this process.
NACE will provide a hands-on training for faculty that starts by establishing an understanding of each of the career competencies and why it is so critical to help students develop and learn how to represent their career competency proficiencies throughout their academic journey. Next faculty will learn best practices for competency integration and have opportunities for aligning and strengthening the connection between curriculum and career competencies within a course and for a specific project or assignment. The training will support faculty as they embed career competencies and career focus into existing courses in ways that are academically rigorous and consider how to expand and develop work-based experiential learning opportunities for greater equity and access in the labor market post degree.
Visit the professional development FAQ page, or contact the NACE Education & Events Team via e-mail or phone, 610.625.1026.