Inclusive Leadership


Inclusive Leadership

  • Fee: $69 (member); $119 (nonmember);


What is inclusive leadership? How can diverse leaders impact your recruiting strategy?

Acknowledging and discussing race and unconscious bias is a first step to developing and sustaining an inclusive culture. PwC is building inclusive leadership by hosting open dialogues around race as a way to empower campus stakeholders and students to: have purposeful discussions, strengthen self-awareness, and identify ways to take action and build cultural awareness. Learn how to leverage your internal diversity and inclusion strategy to build inclusive leaders through your campus pipeline.

Following this program, you will be able to:

  • Understand why building inclusive leaders is a business imperative;
  • Identify ways to leverage your firm’s internal diversity and inclusion strategy on campus; and
  • Understand the do’s and don’ts of bringing diversity dialogues on campus.


Ethel Dickerson, Diversity Recruiting Leader, PwC

Carly Williams, Campus Recruiting Leader, PwC

Visit the FAQ page or contact NACE Professional Development at, 610.625.1026.