Recruiting and Retaining Veteran Students at UTSA

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  • Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
  • Time: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. ET
  • Location: Online
  • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember);
  • This webinar is sponsored by Chevron. Sharing UTSA's efforts to recruit, retain, and support veteran students. Overview of key topics: Recruitment strategies, building community, supporting veterans, reaching diverse veteran groups, campus partnerships, and sharing resources for institutions without full support systems.

  • Summary

    The presentation, led by Michael Logan from UTSA Veteran and Military Affairs and Courtney Pletcher from UTSA Career Services, focuses on UTSA's strategies for recruiting, retaining, and supporting veteran students. It highlights key initiatives such as veteran-focused recruitment efforts, retention programs like mentoring and flexible academic scheduling, and the creation of a veteran-friendly campus community.

    The presentation also addresses the specific needs of women veterans and veterans of color, emphasizing inclusivity. Additionally, it explores key partnerships across campus, research on veteran outcomes, and offers analogies to student-athletes to illustrate the importance of tailored support. Actionable takeaways are provided for institutions looking to improve their veteran student services, with an emphasis on leveraging partnerships and existing resources. The session concludes with a Q&A. 

    Following this program, you will be able to:

    • Understand UTSA's recruitment and retention strategies for veteran students, including outreach efforts and specialized support programs;
    • Recognize the importance of building a strong, veteran-friendly community on campus to foster connection and success for veteran students;
    • Identify key academic, career, mental health, and financial support systems that veteran students need to transition successfully from military to civilian life;
    • Explore tailored strategies for recruiting and supporting women veterans and veterans of color, emphasizing diversity and inclusion;
    • Learn about the importance of campus and external partnerships in supporting veteran students, leveraging both internal and community resources; and
    • Analyze research data on veteran student outcomes and use it to assess and improve support programs.
  • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level career services, university relations and recruiting, and business affiliate professionals


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