NACE Buyers Guide Details


381 East Evelyn Ave
Mountain View, CA 94041-1530

Contact Information

JP Moran
Coursera for Campus empowers any university to offer job-relevant, credit-ready, online education to students, faculty, and staff. Access over 4,200 courses from leading universities and companies - Transform your university with Coursera - Provide for-credit, standalone courses in core curriculum or for honors credit - Enable faculty with supplementary content mapped to their curriculum - Deliver stronger student job outcomes with multi-disciplinary courses - Increase student capacity without increasing infrastructure costs - Attract new students with a stronger global reputation Deliver world-class learning and manage learning programs at scale with a platform that seamlessly integrates with your infrastructure Engage students with content and certifications from top universities and companies—online, offline, and on mobile Leverage academic integrity tools and custom assessments to create credit-eligible courses