Trends & Predictions

Intern Conversion Rate Fell, Fueled by Lower Offer Rate

July 12, 2024 | By Mimi Collins

Internship Benchmarks
A group of interns in a brainstorming session.

TAGS: conversion, Internships, nace insights, trends and predictions,

The drop-off in the rate at which employers extended offers of full-time employment to their interns could reflect lower-than-expected hiring needs—or could signal an issue with the intern selection process.

The overall rate at which interns converted to full-time hires fell last year, but the drop can be attributed to employers’ extending fewer offers, according to NACE’s 2024 Internship & Co-op Report.

Employers reported converting approximately 53% of their 2022-23 interns to full-time hires, down from nearly 58% the previous year. However, they also reported extending full-time job offers to just two-thirds of their 2022-23 interns, down from more than 70% in 2021-22. At the same time, the acceptance rate held steady. (See Figure 1.)

Offer, Acceptance, and Conversion Rates, 2021-22 Versus 2022-23

The drop-off in the offer rate—which is the lowest reported offer rate in five years—could reflect lower-than-anticipated hiring needs, just as employers’ projections for full-time hiring for 2023 graduates fell from nearly 15% in fall 2022 to about 4% in spring 2023. The lower rate could also indicate problems in selecting students for internships. In fact, employers who gave themselves high marks for converting interns to entry-level hires had a significantly higher offer rate—72%.

In addition, data are limited but show that employers with in-person interns extended job offers at a higher rate and had a higher average conversion rate than those with hybrid interns, even though hybrid interns were more likely to accept offers than their in-person peers. This may suggest that, although hybrid interns were generally more satisfied, in-person interns have more opportunity to demonstrate their value. (See Figure 2.)

Offer acceptance and conversion rates for in-person and hybrid interns

The survey on which NACE’s 2024 Internship & Co-op Report is based was conducted October 31, 2023, to January 5, 2024; a total of 283 organizations took part. Of these, 230 were NACE member organizations, representing 25.5% of eligible member respondents. The report explores key aspects of employers’ internships and co-op programs, including hiring projections for the current year as well as historical data for benchmarking and trends analysis.

An executive summary is available on the NACE website.

nace logo Mimi Collins is Director of Communications at the National Association of Colleges and Employers. She can be reached at