Best Practices

Keeping in Touch With Interns Who Have Accepted Your Job Offer

November 15, 2019 | By NACE Staff

Best Practices
A former intern keeps in touch with his new employer.

TAGS: best practices, branding and marketing, Internships, nace insights,

Spotlight for Recruiting Professionals

Sometimes six months or more can pass between when an intern accepts a full-time offer and he or she comes on board. How do you “keep them warm”—interested and excited—until the first day of employment?

University relations and recruiting members asked the NACE Community to share its thoughts on keeping their newest hires informed and engaged. One thing all seemed to agree on: No swag. Water bottles, flying discs, and stress balls tend to end up in the landfill.

Here are some of their suggestions:

  • Send a bi-weekly newsletter to keep interns updated on company events.
  • Drop a care package of cookies in the mail during finals.
  • Offer opportunities to work on short-term projects. Students get paid and it keeps them engaged.
  • Invite new hires to social and community service events where they can volunteer alongside full-time employees.
  • Sponsor bi-monthly, 30-minute video calls during which students can ask a current employee questions about his or her career at the company.
  • Post welcome videos from leaders or from members of the team on which the new graduate will work.
  • Invite new hires to coffee or lunch when company representatives visit their universities.
  • Produce an online “office hour” for future new hires to speak with a company representative.
  • Send a once-a-month automated email with company information, including what to expect, news from the business, and planning tips.
  • Create a LinkedIn college hires group so new hires can network with their peers.

What do you do to keep your interns-turned-new-hires interested and eager to onboard? Share your tips in the NACE Community.