2014 NACE Conference Committee

Committee Charge: The Annual Conference team devises learning formats, develops content tracks, and selects expert presenters for NACE's most widely attended educational event. The AC team will achieve the following outcomes:

  • - Develop a program that is responsive to the feedback gathered from the 2013 conference, including comments from the President-elect roundtable held on-site, and ensure delivery of high value program content for traditionally underserved NACE constituencies.
  • - Employ a variety of learning formats, tracks, and member engagement experiences (to be established by mid-September).
  • - Strike a balance between solicitation of targeted expert presenters and member-driven RFPs (RFP process to be initiated by end of September with proposal evaluations complete by end of November).
  • - Include high value program content for traditionally under-served NACE constituencies (e.g. small colleges, community colleges, employers, and experienced professionals).
  • - Emphasize learning tracks that address priority topics - including social media, advocacy, diversity/inclusion, and internships.
  • - Recommend conference presentations that might be re-purposed for other NACE education initiatives (e.g. webinars, Spotlight, Journal, etc.).