What Students Really Want: Real Experience, Real Relationships

  • Career Level: Intermediate career services and university relations and recruiting professionals
  • Competency: Working with individuals and groups
  • Fee: $69 (member); $89 (nonmember);
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  • Summary

    How do students want to engage with employers? Whether you work for a college supporting students' career development or a company wanting to hire the best early-career talent, this question is vital. Who better to answer it than students themselves! During this panel discussion, you’ll hear directly from the students on: What’s getting through the noise? What are their goals in the recruiting process? What makes them show up to recruiting events? And even what they think of your swag. 

    Both early-career talent and recruiters are experiencing the challenges of a volatile labor market. A constant finding in our annual student sentiment survey is the student's need and preference for a real, paid work experience with an organization to explore career opportunities, demonstrate skills, and build authentic relationships with employers to secure the right job after graduation. 

    In this session, we’ll review the latest results and hear directly from students around topics like: 

    • How do students prefer to engage with recruiters? 
    • What value and perceptions do students have on popular recruiting activities? 
    • What do they want most to help them prepare for their careers? 
    • What uncertainties are students facing when it comes to securing a job? 

    Data highlights from this year’s survey include: 

    • 95% of respondents rated “real, paid work experience with an organization” as the most valuable way to engage them. 
    • 69% of respondents wish recruiters had begun to engage them earlier. 
    • The top need for students is more experience to build their resume. 

    The student panelists will share their top challenges with common recruiting activities, what they like and don’t like about campus recruiting, and what they need from career services and employers to feel prepared to enter the workforce. 

    Following this program, you will be able to:

    • Prioritize student goals in the recruiting process;
    • Identify insights into recruiting processes/tools that are most valuable to students; and
    • Uncover ways to more effectively engage students in career exploration throughout their entire academic journey.


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